Fish Hook Horrors
Nothing like a good fish hook removal to keep you going on a busy shift in the ER. These little suckers aren’t always easy to remove, and may require several methods. Fish hooks tend to get stuck in the hand or finger, but we have seen them the arm, or scalp, and even the groin. Usually, they come to you because either they have cut the fish hook too short to manipulate anymore, they are in pain and are unable to remove the hook themselves. In fact, their own attempts to remove the hooks may make matters worse. Fish hook injuries may seem simple at first, but can quickly get complicated, depending on the site of injury and type of hook.
Image: patient with a fish hook in his right ear, with worm still attached.
Video 1: Fish hook basics with Jim and Martha. Emergency Medicine News.
Video 2: Fish hook removal basics, 3 different ways. Emergency Medicine News.
Video: More fish hook removal trial and errors, pearls and more.